Imagine Getting Your Commission Without Having to Do Any of the Paperwork

Most Real Estate Agents Don’t Have a Life

  • Your phone starts ringing before you’ve had your first cup of coffee.

  • Even when you’re on a vacation, you’re looking for your next deal.

  • There’s no such thing as a day off. And definitely not such a thing as work- life balance.

You go above and beyond for every client whether it’s a $500k home or a $2.5m home, maintaining the same level of service for everyone. You stay compliant with deadlines. All while keeping your pipeline stacked. And that’s how you get burnt out.

Transaction Coordinator San Diego

If You Want to Be a Top Producer, It’s Time to Stop Doing Everything Yourself.

You may have already hired someone to handle your transactions. 

And here’s what probably happened: 

You spent more time training them and having to manage their day-to-day that it defeated the purpose.

That’s why you always say,

“If I want something done right, I’ll just do it myself.”

But there’s only one of you.

Who you choose to manage your transactions matter. Essentially, I’m a reflection of you.

I get it. It’s your reputation on the line. And that’s why you’re hesitant to give up control. 

But we both know spending all your time behind your computer is what’s keeping you exactly where you are. 

Real estate agents are relationship builders. Your time is best spent face-to-face with existing clients and prospecting for new ones.

Your sphere’s never going to grow if you keep doing the same thing. If you want to level up, something’s gotta change.

Get Your Life Back without Sacrificing Client Relationships
There’s three options for you to “Send It”!

Transaction Coordinator

$350/buyer side file

$400/listing side file

Real estate doesn’t stop moving. That’s just the nature of the business. Have you’ve ever wished you could be in more than one place at a time?

I’ll manage your transaction from contract to close including offer drafting + listing paperwork set up.

Social Media + Brand Management

Mid-level & Ground Floor Packages or Custom Plan available

If you’re already overwhelmed and don’t have time to create quality content or you don’t even know where to start?

You need to showcase your “wins” and increase your community presence on Social Media

Agent Concierge Services

Go on vacation knowing your business is taken care of.

Grow & maintain your client database so you get more referrals.

Increase your review rankings so potential new clients know who you are & your quality of service before even picking up the phone.

Be in two places at once. You’re basically cloning yourself.

You don’t get paid until the ink’s dry at the closing table. Let’s get you there more often.

Doing everything yourself is costing you money. How much is your time worth?